
Our database contains 10,500 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Basic gross monthly salary
gender_icon Production Planner Mechanical Engineering małopolskie Big company 10,440.00 PLN
gender_icon IT Product Manager Information Technology małopolskie n/a 35-44 25,000.00 PLN
gender_icon Production Manager Construction & Real Estate mazowieckie Middle company 35-44 14,500.00 PLN
gender_icon Office Manager Administration wielkopolskie n/a 7,000.00 PLN
gender_icon Project Manager Management lubelskie n/a 25,833.00 PLN
gender_icon Javascript Programmer Information Technology śląskie n/a 34,000.00 PLN
gender_icon Electrical Engineer Electrical & Power Engineering podkarpackie Middle company 25-34 8,500.00 PLN
gender_icon Data scientist Information Technology małopolskie n/a 10,000.00 PLN
gender_icon IT tester - automated tests Information Technology wielkopolskie n/a 30,000.00 PLN
gender_icon Financial Analyst Economy, Finance, Accountancy dolnośląskie n/a 25-34 7,000.00 PLN