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Are you working in the position of Booking agent? Are you wondering how your salary compares to others?

Are you going to an interview or to negotiate your salary? Do you need to know what a fair salary would be?

It is so simple - just fill out our short questionnaire and you´ll find out what the salary for your position and in your region is.

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Description of job position

  • Selling flight tickets, boat tickets, excursions, tours and additional tourist services.
  • Providing tourist information.
  • Working with internal reservation system.
  • Responsibility for checking and the correctness of the prices charged.
  • Concluding contracts regarding the tour provision.
  • Providing personal, telephone, e-mail or fax communication with clients.
  • Designing and implementing activities to promote sales.
  • Receiving and resolving reported claims and complaints.

Salary range for related positions in category Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business

Low salary

Average salary

High salary